We have been invited to a halloween party / costume party. I don't think I've really ever been to a costume party and I am very excited about going.

My costumes growing up were never prefabricated - bought in a store as a costume. I've only bought one costume and that was for my one year wedding anniversary - we we're married on Halloween!

I've been thinking about what I would like to wear to this party for a while and my mind keeps going back to Masquerade.

I've always loved the idea of Masquerade parties and I am quit sad that they are not done as much any more and to the extint that they used to be.

I've been thinking about it for a while and yesterday at the store my friend suggested it; I hadn't told her my idea yet.

I have a renaissance dress that I plan to where and I want to get some jewelery and I'm trying to find a mask to wear. I think I might make my own.