Well, it feels like a Monday.

I work from home doing QA for my company and I also create the trouble tickets that I am QAing. There are other items that I do occasionally, but the QA is what I do most often.

I logged in this morning to find 140 tickets that I have to QA.

Sounds easy.

But, there is a lengthy process that I must under go to do this.

The ticket numbers are sent to a special folder in the company email, I have to add them to my list of tickets to be worked and then go back in and 'acknowledge' them, which simply means that I click on the subject of the email, hit reply and then send it back to my folder with my name on it.

Then I have to look the ticket up in two different systems - there are two halfs to submiting a ticket.

Now, doing this for 140 tickets - very boring, long and tiring.