Yay! I'm so excited!!

Today I cleaned the car. It hasn't been cleaned since before B was born in May and it's been driving me nuts. We are very tidy ppl and the fact the the car was a mess totally got to me. It was soooo embarrassing!! Every time someone rode in the car and recently my mother-in-law left a lemonade drink in the car - a BIG bottle too!

I didn't know lemons could ferment.

Needless to say, everything in the car stank.

So today, my father-in-law and I got down and dirty and scrubbed the car down and sprayed it with a room spray / fabric spray that smells of pumpkin.

I LOVE pumpkin! Love Struck Pumpkin

Now the car smells wonderful and it will be a great surprise when I pick up Matt from work!