Ok, so I live in a multi-family dwelling and there are people who come through our parking lot and either park or drive through really slowly and they are blasting their music out at all hours.

I've been trying to decide about what I should do about this. I have thought about talking to our office, talking to the people responsible and / or filing a complaint to the Police for disturbance.

As I have mention before, I have a small child and he has to take naps and of course go to sleep at night, bed time is 9 pm.

It is quite annoying and frustrating having these people come through here and waking up my son.

And if you are a parent you can imagine I'm sure.

I'm quite upset and at a loss of what I should do.

I would like to sonfrot those responsable but feel afraid to do so because they don't look like friendly, understanding people.

I don't know what the office can really do about it either and the only I have left to do is file a disturbance complaint with the police but I don't have any info on the people responsable.

*le sigh*